The majority of our clients understand the unit costs of construction within their particular sectors but necessarily do not understand what factors/tools assist to drive, efficiency and value engineering. Our services can help clients appreciate how a detailed understanding of the project, techniques, processes can assist the client make informed decision-making to drive a strategy which in-effect leads to construction efficiencies and value engineering techniques. Our services include the optimisation of costs, improve processes and advise on the right acquisitions and construction decisions at every stage of the project process.
We compare whole life options for construction components and services. This will clients achieve the best value solution, overall energy requirements and future running costs, leading to long-term operational benefits. We also provide a cost profile for the maintenance and component replacement requirements of an asset. This will allow the client to manage expenditure effectively throughout the whole cycle of the asset. Our service also includes lifecycle assessments.
Value Engineering helps to maximise value for money from inception to completion. It should not be a cost cutting exercise but is the means of removing any element that adds costs without contributing to the function or performance. This exercise captures elements such as materials, processes, suppliers, specification and timing/phasing of project activities.

Our service includes:
Feasibility Studies
Buildability and Construction best practice
Design Co-ordination
Tendering and Planning
Project Risk Assessments and Facilitation
Management of Technical Interfaces
Value Engineering Services
Engineering Services including
Temporary Works Co-ordination
On-site Co-ordination and Supervision
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