The purpose of Cost Assurance is to provide stakeholders with enhanced confidence regarding the cost estimation for a project. We have provided Cost Assurance to client organisations, contractors, lenders, shareholders, and regulators.
We have sound in-house data and significant project experience we have developed our own metrics and methodology for assessing maturity, accuracy, and confidence. This enables our clients to focus their efforts and attention on key areas of a cost plan which will have the optimum impact. Once a project is in delivery a cost reimbursable approach with a shared incentive mechanism is common, we have experienced auditors and project controllers to undertake Assurance and identify any leading indicators with regards to cost movements. This provides our clients enhanced confidence.

Our service includes:
Standard Method of Measurement 7
Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement 3
UK Method of Measurement for Highways Work
Re-measure and Quantity Checks
Basic or Builders Quantities
Measurement of individual packages of works
Bespoke Measurement in accordance with your requirements
Presented in EXCEL, BCIS, CITE, electronically, CD, or hard copy.
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