Under the Water Industry (Schemes for Adoption of Private Sewers) Regulations 2011, eligible private pumping stations (PPS) were transferred to the Water Companies on 1st October 2016. It was estimated that there were 1934 sites which would require upgrading to meet the requirements detailed in the ‘Adopted Private Pumping Stations Safe & Serviceable Framework’ to ensure stations complied with the Thames Water current asset standards, whilst ensuring that a Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) of 4.65 or greater was achieved.
The Private Pumping Stations Adoption programme was planned to be delivered in three core tranches as detailed below and in the original works order:
- . The first tranche addresses the reputational risk associ-ated with customers who were offered and have opted for early adoption. These customers were initially surveyed (a non-intrusive survey) in 2015.
- . The second tranche addresses mitigating the potential operational risk, post adoption, for sites in close prox-imity to water courses and therefore pose a higher risk of causing a pollution.
- . The final tranche addresses lower risk sites, the needs of which will be addressed systematically post 1st Oc-tober 2016 according to Thames Water’s customer in-sight.
Our services were initially to provide commercial resources to manage the delivery of the project throughout the project lifecycle. This included all aspects of commercial support from inception to completion.
The project strategy was constantly evolving to ensure the maximum no of sites were completed within the clients’ budget. We were able to adapt to the changes and offer proactive cost management solutions to meet with the clients’ requirements.
The contracts were let in three phases by Thames Water to SMB JV under the AMP7 Alliance Contract, each phase value was based on the forecast outturn information provided by Phoenix. The final account offered a small saving of £16k, which demonstrates the robustness of the cost data we provided.